Fecha del artículo 13/03/2023

Technology to democratize innovation

The irruption of new technologies and business models “as a Service”, have allowed transforming Ideas into the most relevant factor to improve the competitiveness of a company, above the availability of Capital.
The 4th industrial revolution and the digitalization of life allow more and more people to carry out their initiatives without the need for huge budgets.

For a long time, corporations have oriented high budgets to access the latest available technologies and global markets, giving them a level of competitiveness that was difficult to match for small and medium-sized companies, relegating them to niche businesses.

The virtualization of datacenters, high-speed networks, lower processing and storage costs, together with the availability of these resources through “as a Service” models, have allowed platforms that used to require annual investments of tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars to be used by companies of any size with monthly plans starting at a few tens of dollars.

Likewise, the penetration and evolution of mobile networks, the Internet and social media allow any company from anywhere in the world to offer its services and products in any market.

In this way, it is increasingly common that disruptive ideas, new business models, greater agility and focus that many startups have allow them to enter the business of considerably larger companies, transforming markets that were very stable until recently.
Corporations will have to change their mindset and take advantage of the enormous internal talent they possess that will allow them to innovate their business.


Technology that connects to Collaborate

Technological progress has also driven the development of the digital economy, which through the Internet not only allows the commercialization of products and services, but also their production and consumption.
The generation and consumption of goods digitally has driven collaboration between companies and the generation of ecosystems. This has allowed companies to focus on their real value contribution, supporting their backoffice through third parties, which considerably lowers the budgets needed to carry out a business initiative.


Pending tasks …
Access to a resource does not necessarily require its use.
For these changes to have a more significant impact, knowledge gaps that prevent the use and exploitation of technology must be overcome. In most cases, the latest technologies require equipment with specialized personnel, which implies high monthly costs.

In this sense, there is a growing need for technological solutions that facilitate the use of existing capabilities in the cloud, as well as to be able to connect with other companies and thus collaborate.

Reevolute’s mission is to bridge the gap and enable more and more Ideas to see the light of day. We want to contribute to the 4th industrial revolution, so that the success of a business is more related to people’s creativity than to the capital they possess.


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and Evolution

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